Cleft and Craniofacial Center, April 2018
Sorry its been a week since my last blog post!
But I have been very busy helping Dr. Sargent, Dr. Bennett and Ashleigh at the plasticsurgerycenterofutah. Things have been going great there for the team, and I have been with Dr. Sargent at the office on Monday and Fridays, the energy is very positive. Dr. Sargent and Dr. Bennett are well on their way to launching The Cleft and Craniofacial Center Utah. They have identified the location of the clinic in the same building as the plastic surgery office! They are both very excited about the clinic.
Dr. Bennett, who's background is in building medical devices and molecular biochemistry and molecular pharmacology/genetics, will be heading a division to create new devices to better assist Dr. Sargent in surgery, as well as studying the genetics and proteins involved in the syndrome processes. His previous work in breast cancer was award winning, we are very excited to see what problems he can solve for these children. And of course, Dr. Sargent will be doing the surgeries on these beautiful children. It is great to see them both so excited to help the kids. Interestingly, if you didn't know Dr. Bennett was born with a cleft lip and palate. His passion for finding a molecular cure is contagious. We are very excited to get the center up and running and everyone is working very hard!
I hope everyone has a nice weekend, I Know Dr. Sargent and Bennett will be working hard to realize the center!