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When Was the 4th of July

Hello Everyone, as I said in my last post I am behind in updating all things plastic surgery, cleft and craniofacial and even the 4th of July.

4th of July - I have added some picture of Dr. Sargent and I relaxing at the pool. Following the CCA meeting this was a well-deserved break for us. We floated in pool, listened to music, enjoyed the beautiful view of the Salt Lake Valley and Farmington, Utah and lived in the moment. We all need a break occasionally!

Plastic Surgery - Wow, have we been busy, Dr. Sargent and I have been there all day every day, helping so many people on the cosmetic end of things, and it has been faced paced but very fulfilling. And let's be honest scrubs are the easiest outfit to pick out for the office every day, like wearing pajamas to work! Pressed and neat of course :)

Cleft Center - I wanted to update you all on the kid’s room, we have added wall art, more toys and other items for the kids, and it is nice to see the effect. The kids feel more relaxed and it shows, they are more receptive to treatment and of course we love treating them.

Website, BTW, if you want to learn more about the Cleft and Craniofacial Center, the website is finished and it is a beautiful representation of 30 years of Dr. Sargent's work, passion and dedication to these special children. You can read all about the syndromes, see before and after pics, read Dr. Sargent's peer-reviewed papers (if you can get through all the medical jargon!) or read the latest addition of his new book! now including new pics. Craniofacial Surgery by Dr. Larry A. Sargent (click to read)

Cleft and Craniofacial Center Utah

I hope everyone is well and I will update later this week, with current events, I promise, I am catching up!


Brenda Sargent

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Brenda Sargent

Brenda Sargent, Salt Lake City Utah, Chattanooga Tennessee

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Brenda Sargent Tennessee
Dr. Larry A Sargent
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